What is Stacks?

Stacks is the centralized workspace where you and your team can seamlessly capture, organize, and collaboratively build upon all the valuable information and insights you encounter online. Stacks can be anything as simple as just a bookmark manager or as complicated as your second brain for the internet.

Stacks lets you capture and organize information on the web at the speed of thought. Once you save it, you or anyone from your team won’t have to manually find it when you need it. Relevant save information will automatically resurface for you when you need it.

How does it work?

The main component of Stacks’ experience is the browser extension. You will capture links, articles, videos, images, and more on the web using the extension during your browsing sessions. The extension will save the information to your personal or your team workspace in Stacks. Then later when you or someone from your team need something and you search for it on Google or any other relevant search engine, Stacks will automatically show you the relevant information you saved in your workspace. It happens automatically, just like magic!

Setting up

The first step to get the best of Stacks is to download the extension and mobile apps.

Make it yours

Update your workspace to your needs and start stacking valuable content for the best experience.

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