Stacks allows you to easily bring in links from various browsers into one unified platform. This helps you organise all your bookmarks in a single place without needing to switch between different browser bookmark managers.

Steps to Import Browser Bookmarks (HTML Format)

Follow these steps to import your bookmarks from any browser into Stacks:

  1. Export Bookmarks as an HTML File:
    • Open your browser’s bookmark manager (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
    • Export your bookmarks as an HTML file. This file will contain all the saved links you want to import.
  2. Access the Stacks Import Feature:
    • Open the Stacks Dashboard and sign in to your account.
    • Click on the Import Links option from the dropdown menu in the top right corner.
  3. Upload the HTML File:
    • You will be prompted to upload an HTML file. Choose the exported bookmarks .html file from your computer.
  4. Start the Import Process:
    • Click Upload to begin importing your bookmarks into Stacks.
  5. View Imported Links:
    • The imported links will appear in your Stacks Dashboard, automatically tagged as Bookmarks Bar for easy identification.

This video demonstrates how to seamlessly import and organise your bookmarks from different browsers into Stacks, making it easier to access your favourite links all in one place.

Shortcut Tip: Quickly Save Open Tabs

To quickly save all open tabs in your current browser session:

  1. Open the Stacks extension (right click).
  2. Click on the Save All Tabs button.